From a very young age, I have had a passion for film, especially in practical effects. I started out working in special effects, including building miniatures for filming, and have expanded that into full scale props and sets. Understanding how every element of the creative process works to create the final look in film, and having worked in all aspects of that process, I am keenly equipped for helping you create your vision, in the best method for your budget and turnaround time. I am a Nashville, TN area native, and have worked for studios across the nation.
I am currently full time with Lifeway Christian Resources, as their Scenery Specialist, but still freelance on the side. In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my girlfriend and going out social/ballroom/Latin dancing.
Reach out to me at (615) 542-7733, or fill out the form below to start a discussion about the vision you'd like to create for your project.
Thank you!